2005 – “On Track” CD
April 2005 – This proud band has just recorded its latest CD, “On Track” and now poses for the sleeve notes.
Back Row: Kate Johnson, Phillipa Stewart, Simon Persin, Lee Clayson, Shaun Street, Adrian Wallace, Bernard Snell, Martin Easterbrook, Pete Stephens, Brian Easterbrook. Middle Row: Paul Williams, Colin Howell, Paul Street, Trish Chislett, Chantal Pye, Barbara Camps, Mark Pye, Remus Sawyerr, Dave Shelley, Scott Stewart, Paul Johnson. Front Row: Karl Pettit, Kevin Woods, Lawrence Butchart, Lesley Wallace, Ken Worgan (President), Dave Barringer (Musical Director), Keith Green, Graham Lawrence, Terry Cawte, Jim Slade.