1923 – Golden Period
This picture commemorates a Golden Period in the band’s history. The small cup on the right is The South Wilts BBA Challenge Cup – It was won by the band in 1911, 1922,1923 & 1924 – A hat-trick of wins! The cup second from the left is for the Marching Competition and was also won by the band on 1911, 1922, 1923, & 1924 another hat-trick of wins. The large cup in the centre is engraved “St Giles’s fete, The National Institute for the Blind, presented by Messers Naish & Co of Bournemouth.” It was awarded to Woodfalls Temperance Band on Whit Monday 1923 for 1st Prize. I assume it was also part of a hat-trick! When you look at the picture they all look very pleased with themselves – what about that frock-coat being worn by the MD! The band is wearing new uniforms and the basses also look new – is there a story attached to all the apparant wealth and success of the time?
Photographed in the field next to the band hall. This field has long since gone, and in fact, was built on by Eric Spreadbury, himself a former bandsman.
Back Row: L-R Ralph Shergold, Arch Green, John Green, Cliff Kingshott, Reg Smith, Charlie Green, Frank Pratt, Harold Spreadbury, ??, Mark Warner.
Centre Row: Walter Marsh, Frederick Spreadbury, Frank Muddiman, Harold Green, Edward Griffith, Fred Tanner, George Chalk, Reg Spreadbury, Ewart Warner, Roy Copock.
Front Row: Alg. Spreadbury, Ron Spreadbury, Fred Mitchell, Harry Hayter, Mr. Muddiman, George Fanston, George Goodridge and Bert Tanner.