1976 – Switzerland
1976 – This is the band on its first trip to Switzerland. It is playing in the beautiful Laufen Church.
Back row cornets front to back: Keith Green; Dave Morris; Ron Bligh; Martin Prince & Denis Chalke. Front row: Andy Chislett; Howard Wright-Green; Brian (Sam) Easterbrook & Steve Chislett. Basses left to right: ? Len Beauchamp; ? & Trevor Wright-Green. Horns left to right: John Hatch; John Hayes & Andy King. Euphs & Baris front to back: Chris Cosens; Ken Worgan; Graham Shelley & Fred Barter. Trombones front to back: Michael Wood; John Grinnel & Malcolm Dalrimpple. Percussionist: Dave Kennel. Conductor: Courtney Bosanko.